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Volume 19 Digital Issue


Building Next Level Education



Distance learning introduced a host of challenges and opportunities for everyone in education. This disruption has driven schools and education stakeholders to find ways to elevate the teaching and learning experience to keep up with the changes.


Though not new in Philippine education, e-learning platforms were thrust into the foreground. Schools that were early adopters of learning management systems (LMS) years before the onset of the pandemic found themselves with an advantage when online and modular distance learning modalities were mandated by the Department of Education.


Turning obstacles into triumphs


For a seamless transition from the traditional classroom setup to distance learning, most schools did extensive research on how distance learning is done both in local and international settings, as well as conducted readiness assessment surveys of their stakeholders. But even with ample preparation, the transition process proved to be challenging, which made choosing a flexible learning partner integral to the success of schools.


Ecumenical Christian College (ECC) in Tarlac City is one of hundreds of schools nationwide that entrusted Genyo e-Learning to make the shift to distance learning easier.


“Physical distancing and being confined at home are challenging to every teacher, student, and school administrator,” shares Alyn Mae Delloro, a senior high school teacher from ECC. “But Genyo e-Learning helped us find ways to stay connected amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.”


Genyo e-Learning is a fully integrated LMS that takes teaching and learning to the next level with rich curriculum-based content, a responsive support system, and a dynamic implementation program. Through the platform, teachers could design authentic learning experiences that bring out their students’ creativity, and even create unique activities such as virtual field trips and virtual science fairs.


Allowing different programs in their school to still be possible despite their current learning setup is what ECC junior high school teacher Jennifer Sacramento commends when it comes to Genyo e-Learning.


“In ECC, we were able to implement a wide variety of programs such as essay writing contests, e-Poster making contests, photography contests, quiz bees, vlogging contests, and many more that helped our students to develop their critical thinking skills, creativity, and resourcefulness,” she shares.


Reinventing Education for the Evolving World
Institutional resiliency involves being quick to innovate with less hesitancy, and being willing to collaborate with stakeholders.
Reinventing Education for the Evolving World
With the looming return of face-to-face classes, schools need to examine their structures and processes to ensure the safety of all their stakeholders.
Preparing for the Safe Resumption of In-Person Classes
Preparing for the Safe Resumption of In-Person Classes
“What is the biggest challenge your school encountered during the pandemic and how did you overcome it?”
“What is the biggest challenge your school encountered during the pandemic and how did you overcome it?”
Being prepared for any circumstance means not only having the tools but also acquiring the trained mindset of resilience.
Building Next Level Education
Building Next Level Education
Three school leaders share how they were able to successfully navigate their schools through disruption to ensure learning continuity for their stakeholders.
Reinventing Education: Stories of Survival and Success Amid a Disruption
Reinventing Education: Stories of Survival and Success Amid a Disruption

Genyo e-Learning has served as a bridge between students, teachers, and the virtual school as they face the obstacles of learning amid a pandemic.


Providing opportunities for collaboration


In the two years that their school has partnered with Genyo e-Learning, teachers from Sto. Niño Catholic School (SNCS) in Taguig City have found ways to fully utilize and maximize the platform’s tools and resources.


SNCS teacher Bernadette Ugay appreciates how Genyo e-Learning makes collaboration possible between teachers and students.


“Learners are comfortable voicing their concerns through Genyo,” she explains. “As the facilitator of learning, I was able to use and interpret the data on what they know, how much they need to know, as well how they feel about the lesson.”


Aside from its built-in features that foster community within education stakeholders, Genyo e-Learning also provides avenues for educators and school leaders to learn together.


Ma. Patricia Ann Jacinto, a teacher from La Consolacion College Caloocan, shares, “Throughout this school year, Genyo e-Learning conducted specialized training programs and webinars, which aided in the enhancement of the teaching and learning process. Further, I gained new knowledge and skills which allowed me to incorporate and integrate different methodologies to make my lessons more interactive and engaging.”


Embracing change courageously


Since 2006, Genyo e-Learning has been empowering schools to manage technological disruptions by providing customizable solutions that anticipate the needs of its partners.


“For the last two years, Genyo e-Learning has served as a bridge between students, teachers, and the virtual school as they face the obstacles of learning amid a pandemic,” shares SNCS teacher Nemesia Glaraga. “Students were able to perform and display their best selves via the activities and the schoolwork that they contributed through the platform.”


Indeed, even learners experienced difficulties in adapting to the changes in Philippine education. Long-time partner Caterina and Giuditta Cittadini School (CGCS) in Laguna was among those who enlisted the help of Genyo e-Learning to provide webinars for their students to learn how to adjust their study habits and cope with the stresses amid the new normal.


CGCS junior high school student Jhoanna Marie Kidd is grateful for the insights she gained through these programs. “The abrupt change I've experienced over the last two years has caused me a great deal of anxiety—worrying about deadlines, requirements to complete, and balancing my responsibilities as a daughter and a student.”


“As we continue to adjust to the new normal, particularly in terms of education via distance learning, the seminars and orientations provided by Genyo e-Learning have assisted me in coping with the stresses of this major change.”


Meanwhile, Ma. Loreen Marajas, a senior high school student from St. Thomas Academy in Batangas, values the ease at which she was able to get used to online learning.


“Genyo e-Learning has helped me become more comfortable and adjust easily to the new online distance learning,” shares. “I first didn’t know what I could do to easily adapt to the new setup, but Genyo helped me navigate the tasks I have as a student. The whole experience of learning has also become more fun.”

Genyo e-Learning helped us find ways to stay connected amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.



Working with a credible partner


With the recent success of in-person test runs, the return to face-to-face classes is an ever-growing possibility. The implementation of either in-person or hybrid flexible learning modalities might mean that schools are headed once more towards uncharted waters. But with the right amount of preparation and with the right education partner, schools can maintain their ground amid disruptions.


As the leading educational resource provider in the Philippines, Diwa Learning Systems Inc has been helping schools create boundless teaching and learning environments through printed K-to-12 textbooks and magazines, and digital resources like Genyo e-Learning.


For 15 years now, Genyo e-Learning has been helping schools attain Next Level Education by providing them with an end-to-end solution consisting of ready-made digital content and textbooks, rigorous training efforts, round-the-clock helpdesk support, dialogue sessions with stakeholders, and learning continuity plan assistance.


Next Level Education is at the core of Genyo e-Learning’s pioneering work in Philippine education. Its focus is not only on having the tools but also acquiring the trained mindset of resilience so that schools will be prepared for any situation.


SNCS teacher Bernadette Ugay credits the e-learning platform for making distance education possible despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic.


“Our educational system may not go back to the way it used to be, but with Genyo e-Learning, we will be able to thrive to achieve 21st-century skills.”


To learn more about Next Level Education and Genyo e-Learning, visit   Q 

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